
  • Graphic design intensive course in António Arroio Highschool 2013-2016

  • Bachelor degree in Painting ( Fbaul- Faculty of Fine Arts of Lisbon) 2016-2020

  • AARP- atelier of realistic art of porto (learned 19 century drawing techniques) 2018-2019

Online education (during the pandemic)

  • “drawing: a closer look” zoom lecture with Colleen Barry, Grand central atelier 2020

  • “the narrative language in drawing” online workshop with Amaya Gurpride 2020

  • “portrait painting and drawing” with Anna Wakitsch at teaching studios of art 2020

  • Dialogues for artists in a changing world “where meaning is forged in Pictorial languages: an embedded process” by

    Vincent Desiderio and Bernardo siciliano moderated by Elina Cerla (zoom lecture/debate) 2020

  • New York academy of art zoom drawing sessions 2020

  • zoom webinar with Steven Assael on drawing the portrait 2020

  • zoom webinar: international philosophy day, with nova acrópole de Oeiras renaissance ideals: Rafael Sanzio and Francisco d’ollanda “Raphael: wisdom made painting” “Francisco de Holanda lifework”2020

  • zoom webinar: Oil painting “secret sauces” with Steven Assael 2020

  • in the studio with Aleah Chapin with downtown atelier 2020

work experience

  • painting teacher at E-art academy 2020-present

  • portrait commissions 2016-present

  • design and pagination work for spin association FCT Antonio Arroio 2015-2016

  • volunteer work for fbaul open galleries (organisation)

  • colaboration project with corsemfim for national woman´s day

  • painting teacher at E-Art academy summer camp programme, 2021

  • Lisbon Drawing club, life drawing sessions (coordinator)

courses and workshops (taken)

  • secrets of 15 century drapery with inez Wijnhorst at Gulbenkian museum 2016

  • next art- oil painting portrait workshop with Felipe Matos 2017

  • next art- workshop watercolour figure painting with Felipe Matos 2017

  • drawing classes at Sociedade Nacional de Belas Artes 2017

  • Barcelona Academy of art “fundamentals of drawing” workshop 2018

  • “transcending the photo reference” workshop with Alyssa monks at galeria roja, Spain 2017

  • Savannah Tate Cuff 6 days portrait painting workshop at AARP, Porto Portugal 2019

  • Patrick Byernes portrait painting workshop at AARP, Porto Portugal 2019

  • intensive Mastercopy course with Martinho correia (angel academy) at AARP, porto 2019

  • intensive Russian academy portrait workshop (painting and portrait) with Ivan Loginov at AARP porto Portugal 2019

Solo Exhibitions

  • “Sun Eyes” Balcony Gallery space B Lisbon Portugal 2021

collective Exhibitions

  • sketchbook showcase Antonio Arroio Lisbon Portugal 2016

  • Open atelier FBAUL Lisbon Portugal 2017

  • open Galleries FBAUL Lisbon Portugal 2017

  • 12x12 exhibition Lisbon Portugal 2017

  • MIPA amateur project showcase Lisbon Portugal 2017

  • base lx, cascais 2018

  • Art Match, cascais 2018

  • Private exhibition “romantismos” with Ligia Fernandes and panorama art community 2019

  • JÁ- young artists exhibition Lisbon Portugal 2019

  • casa das artes de Tavira open FBAUL galleries prize exhibition Lisbon Portugal 2019

  • Hajós residency exhibition 2019

  • private exhibition “á beira mar” Ana Mouralinho,Lligia Fernandes and panorama art community 2019 cascais Portugal

  • collective exhibition at 57 gallery, Macau China

  • Cvlto gallery (online) 2020

  • “controverso” (online)

  • IN.VO.CA.ÇÃO at tágide wine and tapas bar 2020 Lisboa Portugal

  • collective exhibition “Art Battle” in associação fábrica das alternativas, Algés Portugal 2020

  • collective exhibition “Pintura de bolso: edição de natal” at gallery Sete, Coimbra Portugal 2020

  • collective exhibition at CAVA gallery, Viseu Portugal 2021

  • Biennal of miniature painting prize Joaquim Afonso Madeira, moita Portugal 2021


  • casa das artes de tavira FBAUL open galleries 2018


  • Art battle, lisbon Portugal 2018 (participant)


  • figure drawing for tv serie “até que a vida nos separe” sic channel

  • Invited artist for série “principio meio e fim” episódio 0_3 sic channel (de Bruno nogueira)

  • comissioned work for “a vida depois do agora” Rtp channel


  • Hajos art camp, with Matteo Massagrande, Hájos Húngria 2019

  • AARP Art nature retreat, Guarda Portugal 2019

  • AARP Art nature retreat, Guarda Portugal 2021